yesterday, all the chineses in IHTTI had organised a great event in the school, we need ot organise a theme dinner for whole school ohh!!!really happy ne!!but extremely tired....>
but I was soo happy ohh, cos i did try a lot of things, eg.) make dumpling, make sweet and sour pork, fired fish with corn sauce, fired chichen......etc....i cut a lot of hting, i remember the day after i made the dumpling, i seems lost my both arm ne!!!sooooooo painful and tired, aha!but anyway, i really happy to be involved in such a great events!although it tired, but when we finish the dinner and go out to say thank you to all the guest(our schoolmate and teachers) , when we walk through , evveryone just say thank you and welldone to us, I was sooooo happy and glad that i did join the kitchen group!!haha!cos i really like cooking ma, ahah!

if i got photo later, i will post some here, haha!realyl funny ohh, haha!

ok , i need to back to my work lor, I will come here again later ai.....still have 2 reports and plenty of tests are waiting for me............still 3 weeks to go!


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